Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

Sometimes I get feeling so strong, I forget how I got to this point.  Then I may overtrain or need to work my brain more than my legs and I have set backs.  I learned from my fellow runner and doctor, Ian Angel, that walking would help my brain the most.  Dr Angel, a neurosurgeon, and his wife are both avid runners.  Then a high school  friend with several of life's pothole health challenges of his own, "Walkin' William" also gave me via Facebook some of the same advice....."Just keep walking"  So to achieve your own personal best health, the key to brain and body optimum health and wellness is to move!  Walk, dance, run, yoga, stretch, whatever you can do to stimulate your circulation can have lasting benefits, as long as you keep doing it.  Not everyone needs or wants to run.  But to age in a healthy way, I believe movement is one key item, along with healthy food choices, adequate rest, and your attitude.  After laying in bed, then on the couch with nothing but a few shuffling, difficult walks in between,  I started the journey back when my Avid Runner, (my husband Ben) would come home and tell me he was going to walk with me, ( more like drag me) around the neighborhood.   Every step, turn, passing car, was an experience that did not feel right, natural or like what I wanted to be doing.  I can't say honestly that things got better fast.....but thats where the attitude comes into play.  My husbands encouragement and constant support got me to the point where I wanted to walk cause I knew I would feel better.  I have found myself now in the encouraging position, where people who saw my struggles, now ask did you get your arms so toned?  What helps with getting your overall strength and toning: HOW DID YOU DO THIS??????  I was fairly active before my biggest pothole, the brain bleed, but lets just say laying around like I had to do until I started healing, I lost most all muscle tone.  I gained about 12 pounds.  I did not care.  I was alive.  I have memory lapses, I tire most when engaged in communication with people, trying to listen, process, and respond to conversations at meetings, over lunch, brain gets exhausted and I need to unplug.  The same happens to the body.  Both brain and body need time to exercise and time to unplug.  Too much of either is harmful.
In honor of " TBT" I am going to post a picture of myself when I was about a year into my recovery.  It is not pretty, but it reminds me of how far I have come.  Hard work, trying to improve yourself is not easy but it pays off.
Before my brain hemorrhage incident May 2011 on a bike trip to Provence with BACKROADS

Sporting the "I survived Life Flight" T shirt, with the best smile I could manage with  still a long road of 2012 ahead. Blood in the Cerebral Spinal Fluid is toxic to brain and nerve cells.  

I believe that the fact that at age 57 I could ride a bike for a week in Provence, is what helped me survive and move beyond that miserable time in my life.  Walking brought me back.  

~with my Granddaughter, and the bandaid she put on my booboo head.

Grand Masters Turkey Trot Sea Rim Striders 5K 2014

Encouragement of today:  Walk for 30 mins. at least once today.  Check with your doctor first if you have current health problems.  If you are just inactive, walk for yourself!  Don't wait for the new year.  Begin Today!  It could save your life.  

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