Sunday, December 21, 2014

Oh No, not Ho,Ho,Ho....Holiday Eating

I am now exactly 6 months out from the US National Senior Olympics.  That 5K Race will feel like a half Marathon if I lapse on my eating and training now.  I have worked to hard to get there to let a two week holiday eating binge slow me down

Lets not wait for the New Year to begin to eat healthy and get exercise regularly.  I am speaking to myself right now.  I began my holiday baking last night, translation holiday tasting.  Frosting?  Yes, who can make frosting without tasting or consuming a considerable amount?  Not me.  Baking in my kitchen is equivalent to consuming several cookies and cupcakes.  You have to be sure they are good before offering to guests, right?????  Today I feel slow and queasy just thinking about my body's reaction to the  overdose of sugar and butter last night.  I was Not guilty for eating it, but guilty for knowingly overdoing it.  We all are guilty of it.  What can we do about it?  Enjoyment of good food is part of the holidays for all of us.  Eating only celery sticks and cherry tomatoes is not the answer.  Mindful eating is.  I could have stopped or at least slowed down and been mindful of my consumption amounts, and enjoyed baking just as much.  Nothing better than one or maybe two warm cookies right out of the oven and dipped in a buttery sweet glaze....but I did not have to consume more than that.  I know it, I just chose not to.  I not only fell of the healthy eating wagon, but I rolled down the street as well.

Instead of beating ourselves up from holiday binging, to start the New Year off right, make your resolution now to start mindful eating now.  Eat a healthy meal first, and limit the foods that are full of unhealthy fats and sugars.  Before attending a party, enjoy a healthy protein rich snack so you won't be tempted to take an unhealthy course of eating.  And along with regular exercise, will keep you on the path for better health and fitness now.  Why wait for January 1st?  I am going to start right now, to practice what I know is best for me.   A Christmas wish I have is for you to join me!

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