Friday, January 30, 2015

A Break from Running, But Not From Exercise

This week I have not run or posted.  I was visiting my grandchildren and got a work out of a different kind.  I was directed by my 5yr old granddaughter to dance and then be "fireworks" for the opening of her play store.  I played trucks and helped my 2 1/2 yr old grandson how to do yard work with his play tools.  I read lots and lots of books to them, tried to stay a little dry during bath or splash time.   But, there was no time for cross training or running.  Or was there?
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For the mom trying to stay fit or maintain their ability to run, cross training means entirely different things.  Instead of pilates or working out, moms get a work out in chasing kids, picking up little ones.  Squats with weights from in the neighborhood of 20 to 30+ pounds are not easy work outs.  Holding children, reaching, squatting, lunging (catch things or little ones falling), pushing strollers, lifting kiddos out of cars, into and out of shopping carts, loading groceries into and out of cars, I am beginning to think mothering should be an Olympic sport.  A dad event could be developed as well.  How do  they do it????   It was survival for me when I began this journey.  It didn't seem like sport, but more like work.  Is a work out sport, or work?  When is work out work?  Both parenting and working out make you stronger.  Both have fun moments and stressful trying times.  To be successful in both, you must expect them.  Ultimately you will benefit from both.

Moms and dads will be better off parenting if they squeeze a run, a jog or a work out into the weekly routine.  The never ending chores, child care and work make it seem impossible at times, but finding time for fitness and a little fun even if 30 minutes is important to the mental and physical strains of life.  If you have an outlet, something just for you that makes you feel better, the rest of your family will benefit as well.  For stay at home moms an hour with kids in the park should do the trick.  The working parent may feel overwhelmed at the end of the day, but putting in an exercise video for 20 minutes before that welcome shower and bed even a couple times a week may be helpful.  It is possible to incorporate exercise with house work or yard work as well.   I have tried these things when my kids were young.  I am not an expert, but I have lots of experience.

Super Hero Dance Is Exercise
(Babysitting a friends little boy a few years ago was exhausting )

A souvenir I came home with was the common cold.  You know the feeling of stuffed up head, scratchy throat, the sudden craving for Nyquil.  For a minute I considered passing on today for exercise.  I have work to do, laundry to catch up and my car is not even unpacked.  I drove in and headed straight to the bed for a long nap yesterday.  I had so much fun in 4 days, but now its time to get back to my job and my own tasks.  I know how to multitask, and a hot shower helps with congestion in miraculous ways.  Its a beautiful day and fresh air, sunshine and light exercise also help a cold.  Over the years, after my sons were grown, I had to relearn how to put myself first.  After all the years of putting others first due to necessity, it was not easy.  We cannot help aging, but we can help how we do it.  Getting interested in running has helped me in many ways.  I may be stuck in a 5K rut, and I will consider this in the coming weeks.  Having the big race on the calendar, keeps me focused on being the healthiest and strongest as I can be.  The coach has tasked me with running several 5Ks locally now to see how I am doing in the process.  But being realistic, I need to get over this cold which means extra rest.  In the process to keep from falling off track, I need to keep thinking like an athlete, eat like an athlete, with an eye on the target.  Get up and get moving!

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