Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Motivation Of Other Runners

I have gone quiet but not away!  Since the Senior Games, the necessities of life have intruded on our recreation and leisure time.  I have prepared for and won a Protest Tax Hearing in Harris County which was way too much brain overwork for me.  Several days before and after, I had a drive to College Station to take care of repairs and prep new house there for living.  Ben had to stay behind and cure pestilence and disease, so I was on my own with fighting bureaucracy and cardboard boxes.  This new home project is just 2 1/2 yrs old, but has some serious wear and tear on floors and ice maker and freezer gaskets, think frost and snow in a Texas Summer!  In addition,
we still have mountains of cardboard boxes with miscellaneous things I am beginning to think we should live without!  Time for more purging!  We are both at the stage in life where less is more, except apparently for light bulbs.  I discovered Ben has a collection of light bulbs that should take care of us forever.  I have been working my brain, arms, shoulders, back way too much lately.  Today is the first day of the rest of our running careers.  My brain and body still function better with consistency and routine.  Never being a routine driven person in the past, it still puzzles me, but one important exercise in brain (re) training is routine.  Wake up at same time, eat at same times, afternoon snooze or rest at same time, etc.... and yes, I do feel better.   The piece that has been missing most has been the exercise part.  Ben has been waiting for me to come back, so we can jump start our running for fun program.  He is sleeping in right now, but I am planning his reentry to the world of the run.

In the mid to high 90's with high humidity, we are going to be  mostly inside.  If I can get him motivated early enough my plan is to warm up, run a mile or so outside on the track, go inside then to run another mile on the smaller inside track,  or hop on the tread mills that are designed for going "the distance".  These are more forgiving, easier on the joints for distance run.  Today will be for distance, a moderate steady pace.  After this I would usually spend 15 or 20 minutes on the rowing machine.  Not for awhile will I be doing that.  My upper body has had more than enough strenuous working out lately!  Its time to get back on the run, and a friend has helped point me back in the fast track!
An excited shout out to Lisa Weidt Heller.  Lisa grew up one street over from me, and she has started a running career already successful in completing other 5Ks and weight loss.  On Saturday, Lisa ran the Chick-Fil-A 5K in Hagerstown MD,  winning the third place Grand Masters Division with a super time of 33:18.  Way to go Lisa!!!!!    I think Lisa has done a great job!!
Another shout out to my sister in law, Patty Hull for completing a walk 4.85miles!  Patty has also completed a Ridge Race, and an ALS Fun Run event!  So much motivation to encourage each other and keep going!  

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