I have been working hard to get to the National Senior Games. In light of the health benefits of exercise as we age, I have enjoyed sharing with others that competitive exercise is not just for the young. The time seemed right, as we were beginning a new year and nearly everyone is focused on being healthier when looking ahead. We are now three weeks into 2015, and like many of you, my resolve was weakening. I am tired. I know the odds of me medalling are slim. Is just getting there enough for me? Are the health improvements and future benefits to this point enough?
How can I say I like encouraging others to be their best when I not as motivated?
I looked into a Runners World article where I learned of 9 surprising ways running helps our body. I am going to add walking to this as I believe walking is slower running. The key is regular vigorous movement, i.e. aerobic exercise. My take from this article interested me in these 9 ways:
1) A study at SMU in Dallas, concluded that running decreases anxiety. If you have something pressing on your mind, take a long walk, go for a run. You will always feel better. I have some annoying muscle spasms from time to time that I know this helps with.
2) A study in Finland followed 2,567 men, ages 17 and older, pointed to the fact that those who ran regularly, had a decreased incidence in skin, lung and gastrointestinal cancers.
3) Exercise leads to increased brainpower, say the lab rats! Mice exposed to savory food, new toys, or the exercise wheel had different responses. Those chosen to spend their time in the wheel, showed higher cognitive function than the other two groups.
4) Regular vigorous exercise strengthens our bones. We lose bone mass as we age. Bone increases density with regular high impact activity, with running having the greatest benefits.
5) I reserve judgement on this one, but according to Runners World, Monash University in Australia studies suggest the impact of running or fast walking can increase cartilage production which is good protection for joints from arthritis.
6) Studies reveal that running can sharpen hearing, due to increased circulation and thus more nutrients brought to the ears help protect them from aging. Another reason to not have your running music to loudly adjusted, as your ears are more sensitive when the blood flow/pressure to them is increased.
7) Running stimulating muscle regeneration was reported by the University of Illinois. Exercise stimulates stem cells (mesenchymal) to spur other cells to build muscle. This helps to decrease aging muscle loss.
8) Ah, the lab rats do it again. Skin protection- Rutgers University studied the effects of caffeine and exercise on mice. The group of mice given caffeinated water and ran had fewer skin cancers than those that ran or just had their water caffeinated. The group with both, had fewer damaged cells developed. I bet the caffeinated rats were faster too!
9) A Swedish study concluded that peo;e who ran 40 min. or more, 3 times a week for 3 months had a significant decrease in Migraine Headaches. Thats a good reason to get going!
10) After learning these things, I feel more than a bit more motivated to keep training, if not only for competition, but for my health.
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