As with all things, common sense in attire is important. The tech fabrics add a bit of a dimension, but unless you become serious about running, they are not necessary. In the South, less is more, during the summer months and into the fall. If its 55 degrees, a tshirt and shorts will do. Sleeveless running tanks help in high temps. In the cold, its all about layers. I tend to dress as if I was spending an hour outside sitting, and then remove one outer layer before running. I find earbuds keep cold air out of my ears, and my ears stay warm, at least to around 35 degrees. Colder and I need a fleece running cap/beanie. That being said, I have taken off a jacket during a 5k without stopping, tied it around my waist and kept running to a first place. That was my very first race in Dallas. Now I know that I will be hot at some point and I personally don't like to feel over heated on a long run. My run today was about 49 degrees with a strong northerly wind. I had on compression tights, sports bra, sleeveless tank under a long sleeved sweatshirt, and a baseball style running cap. I was just comfy. Everyone is different and if you are just starting out it will take you a while to find your comfort zone in all weather. Running socks come in different materials too, and the right ones keep your feet warm and dry, without blisters. I picked up a couple pair when I got my last pair of shoes.
What girl does not like a new outfit? I use a shopping trip to get a new shirt or shorts after I complete a workout objective as a reward for staying on track.
My fav cold weather run hat: "America Runs on Duncan" from the donut shop!
My reward: one donut and a new hat after the Turkey Trot,
We are now heading into the second week of the year and resolutions. I am staying focused not only on the Senior Olympic Games upcoming, but also the 100 day challenge, and keeping my pledge for 2015 to mindfully pick healthy foods each meal.

Week one, I am focused on one meal a day. This coming week I am going to map out a food plan for the week and try my best to stick to it. For the weight loss resolutions, you must find what works for you. With each passing year, it becomes harder to keep the exercise plan, and the diet, and it takes longer to lose weight. My focus was to eat heathy for life, and exercise more. What used to help me drop a few pounds in a few weeks does not work for me anymore at my age. Its easy to be discouraged when you don't notice fast results, but giving up only makes it worse. It will happen if you stay on course, as that was my experience. The less you weigh, the less strain on your joints. A very skinny doctor when I was a teenager with a painful knee told me, the lighter I was the better off my knees would be, as the two knees have to carry and move all the rest of the body weight. Easy for him to say, I thought, but in retrospect, he was right. If you need to lose weight, its for the health of your entire body, and that is worth the work. You will feel so much better, it will be worth the work.
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