Monday, June 15, 2015

20 days and Counting....

A Tropical Storm is settling in on my outdoor track, so we are heading indoors to workout for this week it seems.    We had not planned on this glitch of weather either!
Today I started my run, and the track was filled with walkers and runners.  It was really good to see so many taking advantage of fresh air and motion.  Maybe the weather forecast helped encourage people to get there walking or running in before the downpours come.  It was 81 degrees and 90% humidity with a moderate wind.  All was going well with a goal of having a steady pace for a 5 mile run when my phone started ringing.  It was business, and several of them, that I needed to stop and take the calls although a bit breathless.  How do you then switch gears again, and return to running?  I needed to change my expectations to get a meaningful workout in with the race date coming up fast.  Instead of my plan of 5 miles today, I decided to speed up into speed work.  After catching my breath, taking care of the calls, I used the distraction as a recovery time of slow run, and then ran as hard as I could for a straightaway, following up with a slow run pace for recovery.  This allowed me to take the calls I needed, arrange the things related to our move timely and also get speed work in at the same time.  My speed segments averaged close to 8.3 min/mile.  This was not all out speed, just a chance to awaken the fast twitch muscle fibers, and prepare them for the tune up I have planned.  We are currently on track to move and be ready.  We will move into temporary digs, and then head to Minneapolis/St Paul.  This is also not ideal, but adversity is part of the challenge and life.  Adversity, tough times make us stronger.  Mental strength and core strength kick into play when the race begins.  So much of running is mind over matter, at least to get you started.  Beginning is always the toughest part.  I am so happy when someone comes up to me like today, to tell me they see me running, and find it motivational.  I feel better when I get my run in, first thing in the morning.  It just sets the pace of the day better!
My entries are getting fewer and less material, as the closer to my move and my biggest race ever approaches.  I will check in with brief updates and blog about the experiences as they happen in Minnesota.  Thanks for hanging in with me!

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