My sister jokes about my run posts by responding that she shoveled the sidewalk, and took out the trash ( which in 7 degree weather and a foot or two of snow is a challenge) but the fact is it is exercise, fresh air and stress relief. It may not be by choice, but there are many ways to get the blood circulating and the metabolism up, regardless of the weather.
For me, I am best off if I get whatever exercise I am planning, first thing in the morning. If I have work to do for the accountant, I must work around that. If I have a doctor appointment, the same is needed. But I still try to fit it in. Life events can also be called excuses for not making exercise a priority. In the stresses of life, there are not many excuses that should stop us from self care. Whatever it is that keeps you working on self care should be your focus. It may be an upcoming high school reunion. If it's fitting into last year's shorts, looking fit and fabulous at a friend's wedding, improving your lab work at the doctor's office or being able to chase and play with your grandchildren without needing an oxygen tank on hand, motivation is key. Focus on what motivates you to want to be fitter and look better.
Some people just don't get it. Some medically trained people don't get it. This doesn't just surprise me, it shocks me. I have had 3 doctors in various fields tell me either "winning isn't everything!", "there's always going to be someone faster than you," and " you can't win them all!" when at an appointment they have quizzed me on my progress. One doctor I will mention here, Dr. Auvenshine of Houston, cheers me on! He shares my excitement. And Dr Angel and his wife are avid runners, so he often there when I compete. My motivation is to be as strong as I can be, so when life delivers other setbacks, I will be better able to fight back. Focusing on winning the shiny trophies, or medals is what keeps me trying. Finishing a race is winning, and winning IS everything. In this process, I have become the best I can be today. You can too.

If I don't bring home a medal in the National 5K, I have still won. Today I am alive. I am no longer a couch hugger. I am healthy as I can be. Winning is everything. One step at a time. Just being there, being the best I can be and trying is a win.
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