(In my case, moving furniture, painting for hours, moving a ladder, taking down drapes) can relax and stretch. As always, don't do any physical activity that causes or increases pain, and always check with your doctor before starting something new. Ok, the disclaimer being taken care of ,I will list the poses most all articles recommended.
1) My favorite, The Childs Pose (Balasana)
This pose stretches hips, thighs, ankles, gently, and can help alleviate back pain. Start on hands and knees on a mat or carpeted floor. Slowly bow down to where your chest is resting between your knees, forehead rests on the floor, ( use a folded towel if your forehead does not reach the floor) and then stretch your arms out in front of you. Ahhhhh, I love this one! Stay for 10 full slow breaths.
2) Legs Up The Wall (Viparita Karani)
This pose stretches hamstrings gently, helps with leg circulation, Offers a gentle release for the low back. To do this one, sit next to a wall and lie onto your back, bringing knees to chest. Straighten your legs and place on the wall while wiggling your bottom closer to wall. Rest your heels gently on wall wand extend your arms over head for added stretch. This pose is excellent for those of you who work on their feet, or hours of holiday shopping. A few mins of this pose each night gives your legs a break.
3) Short Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Savanasana)
This slightly modified Down Dog Stretches the Achilles, calves, hamstrings and glutes. Come onto hands and knees. Walk your hands forward about 6 in. in front of your shoulders. Place hands shoulder distance apart, knees hips width. Spread fingers wide. Press firmly into your hands so you can lift knees off floor wile floating hips up and away from your hands. This upside down V shaped position with equal weight distribution on hands and feet. Over time work toward getting both heels on the ground or straightening legs with your heels slightly off the ground.
Hold all these poses if possible for 10 slow and steady breaths.
Check out a beginning Yoga class today, if you have not tried it. Yoga is aerobic, strength and balance training as well as flexibility benefits. I will be looking for a Yoga for Runners Class I have 6 months before my big race. Sometimes stretching after running is just not enough. I need to be in my best shape. Start the new year working on yours! Namaste !
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